The Venom V2, also known as Doku Doku no Mi, is one of the rare Devil Fruits.
It is obtained from the Impel Down Raid for 5% drop chance.
Demon Punch | Stamina: 5 | Punches targets effecting them with
overtime damage. |
Venom Bullets | Stamina: 250 | Sends multiple bullets that effect a
target with overtime damage. |
Venom Slide | Stamina: 20 | Transforms player into a beast that
allows for fast travel (No Damage). |
Venom Bomb | Stamina: 2000 | Sends a projectile that hits nearby
entities with overtime damage. |
Venom Rain | Stamina: 2000 | Sends a projectile in the air that
rains down with overtime damage. |
Ultimate Hydra | Stamina: 250 | Summons a beast that hits nearby
entities with overtime damage. |
Awakened Venom
Demon |
Stamina: 250 | Transforms the player into a beast
made of venom. |